As you are probably aware, I have moved on from my olde live-space [here], since this is much more accessible to the wider world, plus I believe this is much easier to add videos/photos.... To all your wordpressers; I think I prefer something i'm more familar with, I don't hate it....though if you can irrefutably, objectively convince me that wordpress > blogger, I might move over to that =). Or maybe I can be like aditi and have one for the wider world, one more private...who knows.
Anyway, stuff to talk about:
This week has been pretty packed, me thinks. Its amazing how teachers are super-efficient at marking trials, asiding english, got all my trials back.
I'm pretty happy with my results in the end, I mean, it could've been worse. And even if I did screw up epically, praise God all the more ^^. Bio and Chem; I can't ask for anything more; though 1/6 in the last question in chem. lols, poor Maitra for having to mark it all...
Phys: Well, since my expectations were low.....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!! I PASSED :D. did pretty good in my core; though epically failed [literally] the option. Ah wells, i'm just around to boost the other people =P
Onto other stuff: English speech! Finished at 2am on the day....not that i'm complaining, I was anticipating that from the beginning. I think my "Hurry up and stop procrastinating" system is broken...oh well, I'm going to defy social conventions in my class by NOT burning my visual rep, but letting it live on a whim...since this is the first visual rep I've actually put effort into [*giant sweat drop if you are mrs. bal].
Speech wise; Was it really obvious that I was shaking? Don't know why, but it was just uncontrollable...ah well, no more next time! :D
On the same day; Jazz ensemble! And my first time in ever driving to Castle Hill....Guess the place isn't called the "hills shire" for nothing. [I mean, theres no hobbits at sutherland! >=( ]
Performance, sorry for speeding up a bit in the second song =.=.
Before the performance! Psychiatrist: We really need to think up of new diseases, but man, it was so fun xD. If you are reading this Alan, this sentence was made suit your needs =P jk jk xD.
HOUSEPARTY! We'll be organising it this year, so come come come! It'll be awesome, we've confirmed the location, speaker [Adrian Russell; the dude at church service. Yes I call it church service because "religious" service is just another twist on political correctedness >_>] and our theme for this year; Hope!.
-Brief interval- Check this video out, my thoughts exactly with english creatives; but hey, thats english for ya. [And saw this off simons post]
But yes, whats there to stop an english teacher from giving you a crappy mark just because they themselves had a crappy day? I mean, thats probably why I chose 4 maths and 3 sciences, since at least the guidelines are more objective...*shrug*
C[r]a[p]dets passing out parade on Tuesday! Looking forward to it. Hopefully we won't epically screw up [and by we, i mean us year 12s, many of the juniors are a lost cause =P]
Only a few weeks left of school, from my 6 years at ruse, I feel pretty sad leaving it; Its like the metaphorical Hogwarts; a second home to me. Who knows what uni is going bring; but i'm already bracing for the sudden realisation that my whole perception is going to go POP.
Wow, I'm rambling again, eh, might as well keep going while I have the momentum.
How was uni open day today? Though I didn't go, what was it like? any noteable freebies? =P.
Finally cleaned my room today! Honestly, the place was a bomb-site, I couldn't walkthrough it without having to step carefully.
Spent 4 hours purifying, and slightly sanitising my room[gargh! stupid definitions >_>], vacuumed,added FeCl3 and removed all useless sheets. It's been a while since I last cleaned my room; 5kg [no exaggeration] of sheets and books; this pic was just half of it:
I suppose thats what I get for being lazy; then again, why clean when it'll get dirty again? =P
Heres the before and after of my room:
Before: OK, in my defence, its post-trials, and I never bothered cleaning up anything. And on the upside, at least its not like I have garbage lying around [If you're wondering; those plastic bags are cadet rations in the back]
Aaaand. heres my desk before and after: Hooray for the totally neglected pile!
Eh, apologies for the crappy quality; one more reason why to convince my parents to get a new camera xP.
Is it possible to add your updates onto livespace, like the wordpress people? or is it a wordpress only thing [which, if that be the case, can be used as evidence for the aforementioned wordpress/blogger thing]
Hmm....can't think of anything else to post, so I guess thats all from me, enjoy your weekend everyone! Oh, and I suppose there'll be tonnes more to follow, like blogrolls and stuff [Gimme a shout if u want it on, in case you don't want randoms or something =P. Though I'll add a few, shout if you want off]
Wow. Those are some amazing before/after shots.
ReplyDelete@#?! I thought my room was messy. But you were's like a bomb the aftermath of a nuke blast. That must have been one helluva of cleanup job. Feeling good about it?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about livespaces (if you mean the blog thing) but if you mean updates so your friends know when you blog etc...then yes you can.
LOL at pink statement.
omedeto on thou trial results. As I've come to realise, it's not about crushing other people, just yourself (not in a bad way).
On Monday I'm going to have a long talk with you as to why Wordpress is the light side (we got more than cookies, friend. We also have blackmail, extortion etc jks, jks)
Oh well. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. English on monday T_T
Pretty cool how the camera is placed at almost the exact same spot for the before and after shots.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap, that IS messy. I thought you were just exaggerating. Damn, son.
ReplyDelete@spike3; haha, thanks!
ReplyDelete@akatsuki: Yeah, it does feel awesome xP. Well, i haven't cleaned it since last term, so it should be that messy =P.
hmmm, true with trials, besides, after this, its about helping them out :D
@fabricx: I tried making it similar, guess I was just lucky =P I weird for thinking that your room looks perfectly normal in the before shot?
ReplyDeleteNow I don't want to post up pics of my room xD
Anyway. Congrats on post-trials and opening a new blog =D Be a 50/50 blogger like me! ^^
@darthgaylord: lol, well, a picture speaks a thousand words =P
ReplyDelete@moocho: No, its just a genetic thing xP. your room isn't as bad as mine, is it? =) Eh...since my blogger now links to my spaces [i think? anyone want to confirm that?] it might as well be my full time...who knows xD
I agree, awesome shots (+ bedsheet ehehe). Well I also think that your room was an acceptable state of messiness, cause my room + study area looked like that (if not worse xD).
ReplyDeleteMy 'study area' is just like a table in the middle of nowhere, and all my sheets gradually overtook the whole floor surrounding it, like the math-problem-pond-algae(?) that grows to double its size in one day xD
Looking forward to more blogging :D
I loled at the sight of your room.
ReplyDeleteLivespaces is a joke, hence has no active RSS,at least i dont think it dies
omagad i thought i commented before. BUT IT DIDN'T TURN UP.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to say that your room looks so nice and your desk looked so clean afterwards. XDXD
If i don't end up going overseas, i'm 100% interested in attending houseparty.
Dam, your room is worse than mine...