Feel really drained from today, carrying the flag is rather tiring. But hey, someone has to do it =D. And I suppose it probably isn't as bad as carrying a sword for longer amounts of time [Then again, the epicness of holding a sword probably counter balances that]. I've been convinced after today that I really need to work out, my right arm feels numb...Anyone know a good/cheap place to get dumbbells? I mean, why not lift a few weights while waiting for a reply in convo, game, or trying to figure out a maths question?
Oh, not to mention the epic arm-wrestle #2 match between ringo and htl; more to follow on that =P.
Cadets! I'll miss being able to come to school in DPCU/Polys now, and most of all, the bivs we get to go on, the countless moments that spring up...though on the upside; no more drill! :D :D :D
Speaking of drill; todays passing out parade drill was pretty awesome, methinks. Goes to show how much a drum squad can make the difference; I mean, if you can't keep in time with the help of drums, then theres something wrong...=\.
On the topic of drums...its so catchy! I've noticed how my walking pace is exactly the same pace as the drum beat from today....great >_>. Oh well, halting in the hall; wow! no fails! [from my side anyway].
On the topic of fail; [wow, i'm tangenting like bialy here] heh, I think its safe to say that while the rest of the company was good, it was made up for the fact that most of us year 12s stuffed up on way or another....to illustrate my own:
- Brasso fail! D: .what on earth is it made out of? accidentally spilled some, got on my pants....[what makes it worse is the fact I think Morris saw it T_T]. Tried to clean it with:
Water; that didn't work.....maybe something more non-polar?
Ethanol; Hooray for the resourceful library having 66%w/w ethanol :D [ie. antibacterial hand-sanitisers]. Cleaned it up a bit, but it was still pretty obvious. Eh, beggars can't be choosers.
- Hall entrance; whoever set up the hall....it was a bit narrow, though I guess it had to accomodate the school, so it can't be helped. End result: I half-tripped over a chair [and subsequently knocked it down] upon entering.
-Flag-partying; Sorry mawson, entirely my fault for not syncing with you down the stairs....and we went so well in rehearsal ><" This is probably pretty common, ever had those situations where everything goes so well in practice, then in the real thing it just goes to pieces? I suppose that could be similar...to say preparing your english essay for hours on end, having your teacher say its good, only to have it ripped to shreds in the exam? /end digressing. Oh, and to those that are curious; NO carrying that flag generally does NOT hurt. If you place it in right way, even when you turn and march, it won't hurt at all. HOWEVER; It DOES hurt when you have a brief lapse in concentration and you forget to dip the flag at a low-height area....not on the place where it hurts the most, but still alot of pain... Here are some piccies throughout the day [told you it was convoluted]
Quentin, Christine and...Mawson....um..er, being sus? =p over bosco
Yay! Epic flag party! =D. And....to belle if you're reading this- Is it just me or did the photo my dad take look strangely identical to your photo? =S...then again, its trees, same thing.Heres one half the table
And theres belle, nicole and ambert =)
Ruse 09 Cadets [-Mawson]
Hmmm, found Mr. Morris' speech pretty interesting today, especially how most, if not all of it was true. There is no doubt that the will prove useful in the future; we've had first aid bashed into us so much its in our heads, we know how to take care of ourselves should crud rocket skywards, we know how to remain self-controlled [most of the time], not to mention learn how important it is for people to stick together as a section, regardless of personality [given the fact culture and age is near neglegible here =P].
Ok, this post is going to be drastically shortened, since theres other stuff I need to do...[darn, how can one blog so much in so little time? D:. whats your secret?]
I've been thinking...with events that have recently occured, death is inevitable. Thinking back to church service....T1? and kyck 08; whats on your bucket list? Whats on the list of things you want to do before you metaphorically 'kick the bucket' [incidentally, where did that term come from? =S]. If death came knocking at your door tomorrow, would you be ready? Your dreams and ambitions, they're all good, but would death put a major dent in them?
Talking with tina and mawson in maths last week, it got me thinking....It has probably been my life-long? or at least a dream for me to do medicine, and possibly go missionarying + doctor in some war-torn, 3rd world country, depending on future circumstances.
But what if I get shot down in the plane on the way? Or get a brain tumour in uni? [ok, maybe melodramatic, but who knows, we fail to realise how life can come and go so easily in today's world] Been reminded about how things we do in this should be to magnify Christ's love for us in our lives, through life AND by death, [Philippians 1:20-21], and well, I am aware that it might seem odd from a non-Christian viewpoint, but even if I die in the process, praise God all the more! Sure...realistically speaking, there might be slight feelings of disappointment for not being able to do what you want in life, but..."whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ." Even if I were to die tomorrow, I'd probably go in peace, I mean, theres greater things to look forward to thats eternally greater than the things we have right now!
Check out and read Philippians sometime, rather than me just spewing passages that could potentially be taken out of context =D.
And...I'm advertising this of my own accord; but check out simon's post, I found it quite interesting and challenging to read, maybe you will too?
Wow, I take ages to write....should write more often, guess thats enough from me for now.
All the best for the coming weeks everyone!
Wow. I never knew this existed.
ReplyDeleteand that hitler thing is hilarious xD I remember watching it with the REAL subs in modern back in year 11.
Haha, man. Life is like a card game. I ALWAYS get dealt a really gay hand. In fact the only combination I can make is not full house, but 'shithouse'.
ReplyDeletewth chris. =D
ReplyDeleteyum. so much food u had. =_=
ReplyDeleteAND YOU MUST SEND THE "SILLY" PHOTO. :) It's funny. I was trying to pretend to be Tim, but I ended up looking like Bosco instead.
hoho good times
ReplyDeletedw you guys were awesome unlike me LOL
kick the bucket: attach noose to roof, get on bucket, put head through noose, kick the legendary bucket, and providing you did it right you have just passed out of existence. originates from the great depression (i think, or perhaps earlier) when suicide was very common :(
@quentin- ooh, its from...the movie "the downfall" or something, right?
ReplyDelete@darth gaylord: well, chances are others would have worse hands...and..if you have a gay hand, must mean there aren't any straights in it...*Slaps self*. Though honestly, surely theres better days to come?
@mawson- tbh, i thought there would've been more. But hey, food is food =P. u should've come, stuff tutoring =.=
@mishmashmosh: Ohhhh, i thought it was just some random face you tried to pull, good work xP. Shall send it...soon enough =)
@meelo: Eh..I don't seem to remember anything u did wrong other than the slight stoned command in the hall...=S, and thanks for the origin...didn't know it had such a background =\
Nice pics. Esp Mawson being pedo, lol.
ReplyDeleteTrying to pretend to be me?!?!!? *pulls grim face of death*
As to those possible scenarios - @#?! them. Whatever hand life dealt us, we must make the best of it, as Mr. Morris said.
Don't matter be it shithouse or whatever - you can always cut the cards up and draw your own.
That might not have made sense.
If you die, then God has chosen the moment for you to go I suppose. Morbid topic, lets go back to Hamlet to learn all about it again or something.
ReplyDeleteI guess life's too short to dwell on dying. It'll happen when it happens - probably best to just make the most of each day for now :)
ReplyDeletethe afterlife is entirely unnecessary, God's world is beautiful enough
ReplyDeletelol at cadets. =D sorry for the ultra late comment. xD
ReplyDelete(I think that was just Mawson being suss haha! xD) Oooh, you jumped on the badnwagon too huh? =p