Monday, October 05, 2009

Ruse09- The prologue

I guess crashing Jason’s place yesterday deserves an honourable mention; thanks for having us over! And your dad is an awesome Italian cook *thumbs up*. And upload the less sus photos soon! xD

Highlights of the day/night; Guitar heroing on a playlist [again] that I’ve virtually not heard of [Hooray for my lack of rock music knowledge!],
- observing how freaky/no-lived some people are with finger-stepmania
- Watching the NRL grand final [Went for eels outta obligation; after it, it was NSW vs. Vic…but meh, s’only a game] Guess the better team won, but it was funny watching shiva be…so pumped xD
- Dinner: fettuccine? I think it was called; Jason….can we get your dad to cook for our formal? xP
- Jungle speed. Who would’ve known playing jungle speed with Aditi, Shiva, Edward, Rex, Jason and I from 8ish all the way to 12 would be so fun? I am typing up this blog post with a half cramp on my right hand, a soreness on my left knee and some sort pain on my right lower abdomen….I guess that’s part of the jungle-speed environment, eh? =P. Which also implies how violent we got. Whee epic battles!...and everyone getting nail polish [Again, Jason post up your photos! =D].

Three things that need to be set in concrete regarding last night’s jungle speed:
1. @JASON- since you got punished 10 times, stay to your word; and we’ll be seeing you with a pink tie at the formal ;). Just be glad you’re not going with anyone, matching colours would be a pain =P
2. @ALL THE OTHER PLAYERS- I believe you’re all coming to school on Tuesday; NAIL POLISH STAYS ON UNTIL THEN. xD
3. @ EVERYONE THAT’S BORED ENOUGH TO READ THIS; If you see us tomorrow; we’re not queer. Oh, and any stupid quotes/pictures you see; its late a night; its like an alcohol, almost >_>

Well, I guess this post is a prologue to the main post; but hooray for more reminiscing!
Things I’ll miss about the routine of going to Ruse:
-Waking up at 6:45 in the morning after hitting the snooze button about 5 times [Or not waking up at all until 7:30...]
-Eating breakfast in the car [Both back when I was being driven + driving now]
- Driving on the same road for 6 years, and getting caught in Bankstown traffic every day.
- Seeing Manbir, Jen and Lee's [and every other P plater's car ] cars parked opposite the school already.
- Signing on at the finger-print system/ going to roll call every morning
- Going to the library and seeing people already there, and homeying about.
- Doing "homework i was meant to do last night but didn't because I ceebs doing so" in the morning, often with the "help" of people =P
- Hearing that familiar sound of the bell going off, symbolising the start of the day.
- Going to class:
  • Mrs Bal and her dire need for coffee/chocolate in p1 english =P. And the on-going feud between her and Xining [usually on matrix].
  • Mr Bal and his general "good, you're done for the day" laid-back attitude in our education =P. And him talking about being "top students" and "if this were a real school, we'd have real equipment" [and real teachers jk xP]
  • Mrs. Maitra and her patience in dealing with the rowdy bunch of people thats known as our chem class, as well as her epic -"speed hax through the syllabus" technique [which really works!]. And also note how mank always gives the late note for mawson to forge in these lessons =P
  • Mrs. Flannagan and her massive 'jungle books' of notes [honestly, we talk about biology and etc. yet never give a second thought to how many forests we've killed in the process of studying it >_>], and how she overlooks the fact myself and I do hw on the sheet =P. Also how she always says "distingrish"...guess the asianness is affecting her too.
  • Mr Perrins and his bri'ish accent, and his epic detachable glasses; I must get meself one of thems when i'm advanced in my years =P. And his general enthusiasm/humour as he teaches maths.
  • Oh, and for all the lessons where applicable; watching tina come in with a late note every day; and you'd think living close meant you'd get to school way earlier =P. [Oh wait...*looks at james xu]
- Hanging out with friends under the canteen sails/ next to the english staffroom during recess and lunch.
- Going to the canteen and buying their overly priced foods...and watch how some junior would whore all the hash browns.
- Being the spectator of many a rage-fest/ biatch fight in our maths frees [Names shall remain undisclosed for the fear of denting their future employment opportunities =P]
- Going to the passive area on thursday lunch to take focus; I'll miss you guys!
- Avoiding random hair ruffling from certain year 11 people xP
- Cracking lame jokes/insults with Alan, Chris and HTL, and in recent times, screwing up alan's bag on the daily basis.
- Making a dash for the bus once the 3:05 bell goes off, and pushing and shoving as we tried to squeeze onto the bus [More junior years, hooray senior prio! :D]
- Forming up on the parade ground for cadet days [and subsequent roll marking/ epic fail drill]
- Going to iscf leaders on tuesdays and the actual service on fridays, to be trained, and encouraged week after week.
- Jazz ensemble on friday arvos; seeing Ms. Jenns so passionately take us, and watching Alan sing OOOOOOOOOOOOOH SWIIIIING LOOOOOW.
- Going to maths tutoring straight after, where there would be countless interesting convoes and funny moments happening [mainly from jessie =P]
- Catching the infamous scheetyfail trains home from redfern, and always being entertained by the antics of Bryan's sussness + freaky...glares-smiles? at tian, osbournes hyperactivity/energy, the countless random box puzzles from mx [...shades...of...wagga?], and making a dash together for the train thats due in 1 minute because we've talked too long =P.
-Getting home post 5, and bludging til dinner; and more bludging afterwards [oh right! homework!, i'll do it tomorrow], msn convoes with more buddies.

And finally,
I'll miss going to sleep at 11pm+, knowing that the next day will be just like the one before; full of fun opportunities, priceless moments and a warm, open environment!

Long post under progress: 80%, length: 7.7 pictures....
Also, they're not going to be anonymous...unless you would like to sort through 40something entries to find out who you are xP. And i know time makes enemies of us all, with hsc coming up
edit: oh snap! great minds think alike; seems someone else has beaten me to the chase; but its all good :D

Oh...and does this blog actually update on google reader? I get the feeling it lags alot...if thats the case, I might actually move to wordpress [*shock**horror*]...any one want to convince me? =P

But for now, good luck studying, remember to stay healthy and mentally fit as well! And cya tomorrow if you're going to the phys/chem thing!


  1. Haha nice prelude. I think I will miss the repetition of school life for a while. Depending on what kind of person you are, you could be one that falls apart when your routine is destroyed. Hopefully we aren't those kinds of people and will be able to adapt super fast.

    P.S. I think it's "Flanagan".

  2. lol james :]
    heehee i love ruffling your hair and so does eddie
    gonna miss you guys so much when you leave.
    i made a lot of yr 12 friends from cadets and i'm gonna miss them tonnes now :'(
    gl for hsc etc.

    <3 cath ^_^

  3. Everybody loved Alan's spastic-ness and his singing (:

  4. Anonymous3:31 pm

    JUNGLE SPEED. My parents haven't noticed the nailpolish. Whoever did the ring finger and thumb on my left hand was awesome (was that Rex? Shiva?) - the others are looking pretty blotchy xD

    I'm missing the epic battles already.

    But I think I'll refuse to play anywhere without Jason's awesome carpet. No carpet burn! :D

  5. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Haha. Pity that the eels lost, though Melbourne was going to win.

    The bit about Mrs. Maitra is particularly apt. Sometimes don't you feel guilty and slightly annoyed at the rest of the class when they keep on talking and don't shut up when Mrs. Maitra is putting in so much work for us?

    Have a good holiday - I eagerly await your next post.

  6. meelo8:46 pm

    Sweet post.

    Google reader lags a bit for everything, alas. It's adequate as a solution, though.

  7. @darth: haha, natural selection much? =P. But yeah, no point moping over the things of the past; lifes all about facing new things xD
    @cath: Whoa! i never thought you'd be reading =O well, we'll be back after hsc- for sure :) gl with year 12; not that its much diff. to year 11 =D
    @sy: its alan, what did you expect? And nice monster post btw =)
    @moocho: hahaha, probably....we're guys! D: its not like we CAN do nails to begin with. carpet burn? weren't you the ones getting dragged around the most? xP. and epic battles!...I think i'll sit out tomorrow...
    @akatsuki; Oh well, I'm a dragons supporter, so at heart- meh =P. And with mrs. maitra...all the time mate, all the time.
    @meelo: ah..I suppose at least its not on microsoft level of fail yet =P. ty btw!

  8. Yeah I will miss the routine. Yes including pranks. Hooray for doing jungle books on the sheet!!

    If I were you I wouldnt move to wordpress (sorry wordpressers XD). But WAIT you are me! hahaha jk XD

  9. Becky4:47 pm

    Ahh I'll miss the routine too, but I guess if you're desperate (and lucky?) you can somehow work your uni timetable to uh sort of emulate high school? .. I dunno . xD

    From my (brief) experience with Google Reader, it lags for both, so it probably shouldn't weigh in too much in your decision to move (or not to move .. -refrains from overused Hamlet joke-)

    [Is it just me or do my arrow keys not work when I'm commenting here?! How annoying xD]

    Booo I want to play Jungle Speed, damn it sounded like fun :( Thanks again though, but with parents like mine, what can you do, heh. ==
